Sunday 22 June 2014

On the shelf

Today in the kid's room.

Friends, my secretary is startng the first part of her summer vacation now. That means I FINALLY should have ALL of my staff released from their other duties to serve only ME! Oh, that should be great! I have all kinds of tasks listed for them already. Maybe we can even go to the lake cottage to meet and eat all the fishes there. I'll be reporting how things go!

Have a great week!


  1. Maybe one of your staff could teleport over to us, seeing as how our own human is so busy at work? She's useless.

    We have our paws crossed you do get to go to the cottage soon!

  2. Looks like you are watching something interesting there Carlos. I just got some new fish today, but not sure they are up for eating ;)

  3. Keep those humans busy, Carlos!

  4. Yes, they should serve only YOU! It is what you deserve. Hope you get some fish soon.

  5. dood...make sure when ya go two de lake ta take yur own grill, case ya wanna due sum fishin late nite or in de wee hours oh de morn...then ya can seer up yur catch N ya wont hafta SHARE it with anyone.....happee summer brake ta de mom staff purrson !!

  6. Well, that's great news, Carlos. Make sure they cater to your every whim.
